Mel on Mission in Poland

Melody Jaskolski

Anchor church is keen to get behind Mel on gospel mission to the kids and youth of Poland.
She is serving with ECM (European Christian Mission)  

Only 0.3% of the population of Poland are evangelical Christians.
Mel with be working with a church in the city of Bydgoszcz to grow the gospel among the emerging generation.
She knows the language, is familiar with the culture, and is ready go.

You can support Melski in 3 ways:

Sign up for newsletters and prayer updates (link button below)

Think & pray about an amount you would like to give to support Mel.


You can send letters and encouragement to:

Ul. Kordeckiego 3/66
85-225 Bydgoszcz

Give to support the Mel through our Anchor Church Account just tag your giving - “Mel - Poland

and subscribe with the button below to recieve her email prayer updates.

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